New Park History
1982 - Purchased property (40 acres)
1983 - Road added, graveled
1984 - Planted 130 trees
Built north building
1985 - Electrical work
Built restroom/shower house, and a few bleachers
1986 - Moved to new park
1987 - The Iron Pony became a permanent part of the show
1988 - Built second large building
Started structure for blacksmith shop
Built cover for sawmill
1989 - Bought additional 33.25 acres for future expansion
Purchased veneer mill
Built a small barn
Added event - Nationally Sanctioned Tractor Pull
Erected new flagpole
Improved horse show arena
1990 - New dance floor
Added event - Teen dance
1991 - John Deere featured
Full-size windmill
40 H.P. Fairbank Morse Engine
Added events - Quilt Show & General Store
1992 - Oliver Hart-Parr featured
New north entrance to parking area
Flag Pole Area landscaped
Veneer Mill in operation
Horse pull
Exhibits for show: 190 gas tractors, 177 gas engines, 28 steam engines
1993 - Case Expo featured
Relocated horse show track
Bleachers added
New stage
Loading dock improved
Tractor Pull track updated
1994 - Caterpillar featured
Gazebo Office added
More bleachers added
Gas Station added
Large entertainment tent
1st Threshermen's BlueGrass Festival in coop with Pontiac Chamber of Commerce
Kiddie Tractor Pull
Carl R. Ogle retired as president after 16 years service
1995 - International featured
New seating for the south building
People mover purchased
Car club erected a root beer stand to go with gas station
1996 - Allis Chalmers featured
Cookhouse updated with heater, sinks, etc.
Ticket Shed moved to permanent location
Porta Shades added
6 picnic tables added
Horse track made larger
Oiled first roads on the park in Flea Market area
1997 - Minneapolis Moline featured
Gravel road in parking area from North entrance west and south then to the ticket office
Sheep shearing demonstration for Education Day
1998 - 50th Anniversary Show
Anything & Everything featured
Became Sole Partner with the Bluegrass Festival
Made the last payment on the loan for the show grounds
Stationary boiler donated by the Smith family; turned over to Dave Schott and crew to have ready for the show
New fence for the horse show arena made out of 2" pipe
Purchased a finish mower for the grounds
Ertl Toys donated toys to be given to children
50th Yearbook, 1940 collectible toy truck, belt buckle and 1000 bullet pencils were available for the show
Events held at the park during the year - Blacksmith annual meeting and Bluegrass Festival
1999 - Vintage Garden Tractors of America featured
Played host to Orien Samuelson's WGN Noon Radio Show
Start of historical chats in the big tent
Put in waste dump station for campers
Had large ground road sign on Route 23 repainted
Reset the Saw Mill on concrete pillars
Events held at the park during the year - Blacksmith annual meeting and Bluegrass Festival
Added event - Teen dance
1991 - John Deere featured
Full-size windmill
40 H.P. Fairbank Morse Engine
Added events - Quilt Show & General Store
1992 - Oliver Hart-Parr featured
New north entrance to parking area
Flag Pole Area landscaped
Veneer Mill in operation
Horse pull
Exhibits for show: 190 gas tractors, 177 gas engines, 28 steam engines
1993 - Case Expo featured
Relocated horse show track
Bleachers added
New stage
Loading dock improved
Tractor Pull track updated
1994 - Caterpillar featured
Gazebo Office added
More bleachers added
Gas Station added
Large entertainment tent
1st Threshermen's BlueGrass Festival in coop with Pontiac Chamber of Commerce
Kiddie Tractor Pull
Carl R. Ogle retired as president after 16 years service
1995 - International featured
New seating for the south building
People mover purchased
Car club erected a root beer stand to go with gas station
1996 - Allis Chalmers featured
Cookhouse updated with heater, sinks, etc.
Ticket Shed moved to permanent location
Porta Shades added
6 picnic tables added
Horse track made larger
Oiled first roads on the park in Flea Market area
1997 - Minneapolis Moline featured
Gravel road in parking area from North entrance west and south then to the ticket office
Sheep shearing demonstration for Education Day
1998 - 50th Anniversary Show
Anything & Everything featured
Became Sole Partner with the Bluegrass Festival
Made the last payment on the loan for the show grounds
Stationary boiler donated by the Smith family; turned over to Dave Schott and crew to have ready for the show
New fence for the horse show arena made out of 2" pipe
Purchased a finish mower for the grounds
Ertl Toys donated toys to be given to children
50th Yearbook, 1940 collectible toy truck, belt buckle and 1000 bullet pencils were available for the show
Events held at the park during the year - Blacksmith annual meeting and Bluegrass Festival
1999 - Vintage Garden Tractors of America featured
Played host to Orien Samuelson's WGN Noon Radio Show
Start of historical chats in the big tent
Put in waste dump station for campers
Had large ground road sign on Route 23 repainted
Reset the Saw Mill on concrete pillars
Events held at the park during the year - Blacksmith annual meeting and Bluegrass Festival
2000 - Ford Tractors, Ford cars & trucks featured
Repaired bleachers
Six VHS tape and bi-fold programs for Senior Citizens Center
Dan Rutherford donated a New Flag for the grounds
Ground Office walls finished and covered
Storm destroyed windmill and inflicted some building damage; new Ticket Office built to replace one destroyed
Events held at the park during the year - Blacksmith annual meeting and Bluegrass Festival
2001 - John Deere tractors (all makes and models) and General Motors trucks featured
Roads covered with recycled asphalt in July
3 Leg Windmill donated by Klehm family
Guided bus tours for nursing homes (greatly appreciated by them)
Two trees planted in memory of Mary Oltman & Bruce Leach
Events held at the park during the year - Blacksmith spring event and annual meeting, Bluegrass Festival, Stoller
Combine Clinic, Steam Safety Workshop, Western Pleasure Horse Show
2002 - International tractors and trucks featured
9000 - 10,000 lb. Semi-Truck Pull
Building and roof built over the large steam boiler
Manville Post Office donated by Don Noe family and moved to grounds
New railroad track and layout for two working trains
Events held at the park during the year - Steam School, Bible School for several churches, Blacksmith annual meeting,
Bluegrass Festival
2003 - Oliver and Massey Harris tractors featured
Tom Turner, Roy McNutt, & Don Foley passed away
Two days of rain
Purchased water tank & pump, New fence around Pulling Track
Sold sweet corn, Improved horse track, Kim Erdman ran Horse Show
Bill Carroll & crew built new People Mover
Bob & Chris Studebaker repaired 100 yr. old Shingle Mill
Concrete poured in food area
Mini-Rods added to show.
2004 - Case & Ford tractors featured
Arlan Koopman passed away
New Flag from U.S. Congress
Adair Thompson started & set up our web-site
Received 2 Steam Powered Electric Generators from U S Tobacco Co. Nashville,Tn
Had Kiddie Tractor Pull by Mary Ann Johnson of Big "R" Store
Drawing for Quilt made by Cindy Herz of Indiana
Singer Saw Mill & Rock Crusher were fixed & displayed
One Room School House from Long Point area was refurbished and displayed
Dump station for campers and loading dock were reconditioned
Pontiac F.F.A. provided us with a Petting Zoo
2005 - Caterpillar and Roof Mfg. Co. featured
Carl Ebberstein and AL Krause passed away
Conoco Gas Station got a touch up of paint
New water tank at train track location
Rent golf carts to public
Built a permanent shade over west bleacher
Keith & Judy Mathews donated a homemade quilt rack
Jerry Weinheimer made baskets from Veneer Mill wood to sell
Andy Shay drilled oats, Wilken Seed donated seed
Cat display was extraordinary, included NASCAR race car & Orange County built chopper
Jack & Mark Corson set up saw mill and used it
2006 - Farmall and International Harvester tractors featured
Steve Maubach, Willis Alford, and Jay Foxworthy passed away
Chapter Ten Club spearheaded the I. H. Exhibit
Grew wheat this year
ILL. Blacksmith Assoc. Group use park on even years
Tri-State Blacksmith & Nat. Artistic Blacksmith use park on odd years
Got bleachers from Pontiac Grade School
Got 22 Ton Boiler from Fairbury firm at no cost. Guss Rinker did the hauling
Guss Rinker retired as Pres. of C.S.T.R.
John Grampp took over as our Webmaster
Model & Hobby Tent moved to south side by train location
2007 - Allis Chalmers and Avery tractors featured
Blessed with good weather
Raised dues to $20.00 and admission to $7.00
New Entertainment Building built, Valley View donated fill for building and hauled by Joe Burton
The Building is rented out eleven months to Stoller Imp. Co. of Pontiac
New roof put on school house
Concrete was poured in the west side of South Building, & 4 sections of bleachers were installed
3-D Sound is in charge of sound on the grounds
We had a Consignment Sale for the first time - AL Diemer in charge
Pontiac Lions Club donated "Sparky" and trailer to CSTR to care for & display
Deb Trainor in charge of Horse Show
2008 - Minneapolis Moline tractors featured
Warren Zehr (member of founding family) passed away
Celebrate our 60th year
Belt Buckle and Supplement to our 55th Year Book available
A three hour tractor drive is planned for show
Jerry Weinheimer made a Walking Stick to sell in General Store
Blacksmiths put a porch roof on their building
Denim Shirts embroidered by Linda Lambert on sale in General Store
Brian Sullan took over our Webmaster duties
2009 - John Deere (3010 & 4010 New Generation) tractors featured
Janice Lambert, Herb Beckemeyer, Bob Studebaker, & Joe Howard passed away
Seven Hoop-Shelters were erected
Poured cement on east side of South Building
Jr. Fosdick headed the start of a museum in the South Building
Shelves were built to display items
An early Farm Home Kitchen is featured in the museum
Lots of grass was mowed in the park
Repairs was made to the electric pedestals in camping area
Repaired bleachers
Six VHS tape and bi-fold programs for Senior Citizens Center
Dan Rutherford donated a New Flag for the grounds
Ground Office walls finished and covered
Storm destroyed windmill and inflicted some building damage; new Ticket Office built to replace one destroyed
Events held at the park during the year - Blacksmith annual meeting and Bluegrass Festival
2001 - John Deere tractors (all makes and models) and General Motors trucks featured
Roads covered with recycled asphalt in July
3 Leg Windmill donated by Klehm family
Guided bus tours for nursing homes (greatly appreciated by them)
Two trees planted in memory of Mary Oltman & Bruce Leach
Events held at the park during the year - Blacksmith spring event and annual meeting, Bluegrass Festival, Stoller
Combine Clinic, Steam Safety Workshop, Western Pleasure Horse Show
2002 - International tractors and trucks featured
9000 - 10,000 lb. Semi-Truck Pull
Building and roof built over the large steam boiler
Manville Post Office donated by Don Noe family and moved to grounds
New railroad track and layout for two working trains
Events held at the park during the year - Steam School, Bible School for several churches, Blacksmith annual meeting,
Bluegrass Festival
2003 - Oliver and Massey Harris tractors featured
Tom Turner, Roy McNutt, & Don Foley passed away
Two days of rain
Purchased water tank & pump, New fence around Pulling Track
Sold sweet corn, Improved horse track, Kim Erdman ran Horse Show
Bill Carroll & crew built new People Mover
Bob & Chris Studebaker repaired 100 yr. old Shingle Mill
Concrete poured in food area
Mini-Rods added to show.
2004 - Case & Ford tractors featured
Arlan Koopman passed away
New Flag from U.S. Congress
Adair Thompson started & set up our web-site
Received 2 Steam Powered Electric Generators from U S Tobacco Co. Nashville,Tn
Had Kiddie Tractor Pull by Mary Ann Johnson of Big "R" Store
Drawing for Quilt made by Cindy Herz of Indiana
Singer Saw Mill & Rock Crusher were fixed & displayed
One Room School House from Long Point area was refurbished and displayed
Dump station for campers and loading dock were reconditioned
Pontiac F.F.A. provided us with a Petting Zoo
2005 - Caterpillar and Roof Mfg. Co. featured
Carl Ebberstein and AL Krause passed away
Conoco Gas Station got a touch up of paint
New water tank at train track location
Rent golf carts to public
Built a permanent shade over west bleacher
Keith & Judy Mathews donated a homemade quilt rack
Jerry Weinheimer made baskets from Veneer Mill wood to sell
Andy Shay drilled oats, Wilken Seed donated seed
Cat display was extraordinary, included NASCAR race car & Orange County built chopper
Jack & Mark Corson set up saw mill and used it
2006 - Farmall and International Harvester tractors featured
Steve Maubach, Willis Alford, and Jay Foxworthy passed away
Chapter Ten Club spearheaded the I. H. Exhibit
Grew wheat this year
ILL. Blacksmith Assoc. Group use park on even years
Tri-State Blacksmith & Nat. Artistic Blacksmith use park on odd years
Got bleachers from Pontiac Grade School
Got 22 Ton Boiler from Fairbury firm at no cost. Guss Rinker did the hauling
Guss Rinker retired as Pres. of C.S.T.R.
John Grampp took over as our Webmaster
Model & Hobby Tent moved to south side by train location
2007 - Allis Chalmers and Avery tractors featured
Blessed with good weather
Raised dues to $20.00 and admission to $7.00
New Entertainment Building built, Valley View donated fill for building and hauled by Joe Burton
The Building is rented out eleven months to Stoller Imp. Co. of Pontiac
New roof put on school house
Concrete was poured in the west side of South Building, & 4 sections of bleachers were installed
3-D Sound is in charge of sound on the grounds
We had a Consignment Sale for the first time - AL Diemer in charge
Pontiac Lions Club donated "Sparky" and trailer to CSTR to care for & display
Deb Trainor in charge of Horse Show
2008 - Minneapolis Moline tractors featured
Warren Zehr (member of founding family) passed away
Celebrate our 60th year
Belt Buckle and Supplement to our 55th Year Book available
A three hour tractor drive is planned for show
Jerry Weinheimer made a Walking Stick to sell in General Store
Blacksmiths put a porch roof on their building
Denim Shirts embroidered by Linda Lambert on sale in General Store
Brian Sullan took over our Webmaster duties
2009 - John Deere (3010 & 4010 New Generation) tractors featured
Janice Lambert, Herb Beckemeyer, Bob Studebaker, & Joe Howard passed away
Seven Hoop-Shelters were erected
Poured cement on east side of South Building
Jr. Fosdick headed the start of a museum in the South Building
Shelves were built to display items
An early Farm Home Kitchen is featured in the museum
Lots of grass was mowed in the park
Repairs was made to the electric pedestals in camping area
2010 - Oliver and Hart-Parr tractors featured
Singer Saw Mill Shed erected
Wood working shed erected
Train unloading track put in
Model tent power line put underground
Improvements to Museum
2011 - Massey-Harris and Ford tractors featured
Museum improvements
Kitchen improvements
Cement - food area
Office remodel
Windmill donation
South East corner cleanup & new sign
Brenda DeFries took over duties of webmaster
Scott McCoy donating the website.
2012 - feature: Case & Caterpillar
Small engine building put up
Rainy year
2013 - feature: International & Cubs
Sharon Colclasure working on scrap book
30 attend the Steam School
Light poll on the north lane replaced & has electric to it
Electric added to workshop north of the saw mill
Keith Matthews passed away
good weather
2014 - feature: Allis-Chalmers - Graham - Bradley with equipment
Sylvester Junior Fosdick retired from the board
have a working relationship with Enbridge
11 attend the Steam School
Rain before the show this year
Price Gregory Co has agreement for parking lot use
2015 - feature: Minneapolis-Moline with equipment
Kevin & Denise Coffey take over the Flea Market Engineers
Repair to Post Office & school house
Com Ed to set new poles on 2200 North
Lost the free website from Scott McCoy.
New Fence on the south side.
Enbridge will use the picnic area of the south building in exchange for 10 - 12 loads of gravel.
50 tractors participated in the tractor drive
2016 - feature: John Deere with equipment
First time the show was cancelled. The board members met on Wednesday morning to decide the grounds were too
wet to for exhibitors & visitors.
Singer building & kitchen area were damaged by winds & repaired.
Bloomington Offset Printing printed the brochures.
Board member Al Diemer passed away.
Gold Wing to use the park for camping in July.
2017 - John Deere, Ferguson and Roof were the features.
Coralee (Corky) Utegg retired as secretary. Denise Coffey will replace her in 2018.
Denise Coffey took over the website after the retirement of Jon and Brenda DeFries.
Board President Joe Rittenhouse passed away.
2018 - Allis Chalmers was featured with the Gathering of the Orange being held in conjunction with our show.
Coralee (Corky) Utegg passed away
2019 - Oliver, Massey-Harris, and pre-35 tractors were featured.
Received several hundred loads of aggregate from the I-55 project for creating new roads and
upgrading muddy areas on the grounds.
Rustic Auto Club disbanded leaving Rusty's Drive-In temporarily without tenants.
Dwight Baptist Academy will take over.
John Erickson, Sam Haley, and Jim Erickson passed away.
2020 - Gate fees raised to $10
Received more asphalt grindings from I-55 project to build new roads around the grounds
7 maple trees were planted with money from Erickson memorials
Reunion, horse show, tractor drive, blacksmith days, steam school, and annual meeting were all cancelled due to Covid-19
2021 - Minneapolis, Ford, and repowered tractors were featured
Received more asphalt grindings
Bill Carroll, Jim McCabe, and Sharon Colclasure retired from the board.
Jim Girard replaced Bill Carroll on the board.
Terry Moore replaced Jim McCabe on the board.
Larry Hassinger and Bill Carroll passed away
Some tiling was done during the show in the north field
2022 - IH and Graham Bradley were featured
More tiling was done during the show in the north field
Received hoop building from United Piping
Stephen Bennett and Barbara Peterson passed away.
2023 - J.I. Case Heritage Foundation Expo
Alvin H Immke, Jr. Farm Museum opened
2024 - John Deere featured
New building at North Gate
Singer Saw Mill Shed erected
Wood working shed erected
Train unloading track put in
Model tent power line put underground
Improvements to Museum
2011 - Massey-Harris and Ford tractors featured
Museum improvements
Kitchen improvements
Cement - food area
Office remodel
Windmill donation
South East corner cleanup & new sign
Brenda DeFries took over duties of webmaster
Scott McCoy donating the website.
2012 - feature: Case & Caterpillar
Small engine building put up
Rainy year
2013 - feature: International & Cubs
Sharon Colclasure working on scrap book
30 attend the Steam School
Light poll on the north lane replaced & has electric to it
Electric added to workshop north of the saw mill
Keith Matthews passed away
good weather
2014 - feature: Allis-Chalmers - Graham - Bradley with equipment
Sylvester Junior Fosdick retired from the board
have a working relationship with Enbridge
11 attend the Steam School
Rain before the show this year
Price Gregory Co has agreement for parking lot use
2015 - feature: Minneapolis-Moline with equipment
Kevin & Denise Coffey take over the Flea Market Engineers
Repair to Post Office & school house
Com Ed to set new poles on 2200 North
Lost the free website from Scott McCoy.
New Fence on the south side.
Enbridge will use the picnic area of the south building in exchange for 10 - 12 loads of gravel.
50 tractors participated in the tractor drive
2016 - feature: John Deere with equipment
First time the show was cancelled. The board members met on Wednesday morning to decide the grounds were too
wet to for exhibitors & visitors.
Singer building & kitchen area were damaged by winds & repaired.
Bloomington Offset Printing printed the brochures.
Board member Al Diemer passed away.
Gold Wing to use the park for camping in July.
2017 - John Deere, Ferguson and Roof were the features.
Coralee (Corky) Utegg retired as secretary. Denise Coffey will replace her in 2018.
Denise Coffey took over the website after the retirement of Jon and Brenda DeFries.
Board President Joe Rittenhouse passed away.
2018 - Allis Chalmers was featured with the Gathering of the Orange being held in conjunction with our show.
Coralee (Corky) Utegg passed away
2019 - Oliver, Massey-Harris, and pre-35 tractors were featured.
Received several hundred loads of aggregate from the I-55 project for creating new roads and
upgrading muddy areas on the grounds.
Rustic Auto Club disbanded leaving Rusty's Drive-In temporarily without tenants.
Dwight Baptist Academy will take over.
John Erickson, Sam Haley, and Jim Erickson passed away.
2020 - Gate fees raised to $10
Received more asphalt grindings from I-55 project to build new roads around the grounds
7 maple trees were planted with money from Erickson memorials
Reunion, horse show, tractor drive, blacksmith days, steam school, and annual meeting were all cancelled due to Covid-19
2021 - Minneapolis, Ford, and repowered tractors were featured
Received more asphalt grindings
Bill Carroll, Jim McCabe, and Sharon Colclasure retired from the board.
Jim Girard replaced Bill Carroll on the board.
Terry Moore replaced Jim McCabe on the board.
Larry Hassinger and Bill Carroll passed away
Some tiling was done during the show in the north field
2022 - IH and Graham Bradley were featured
More tiling was done during the show in the north field
Received hoop building from United Piping
Stephen Bennett and Barbara Peterson passed away.
2023 - J.I. Case Heritage Foundation Expo
Alvin H Immke, Jr. Farm Museum opened
2024 - John Deere featured
New building at North Gate